Extra Hardware

From wiki.gp2x.org

Extra hardware will be needed to get the best out of your GP2X



Without an SD card the unit is little more than a pretty brick. In particular, the USB connection will only talk to the SD card! The 2.0 firmware allows acces to the NAND memory as well (30MB)
  • A computer with a USB connection to talk to the SD card

Very Desirable

If you have your GP2X on daily use (e.g. mp3 player) you will find out that you need two or three sets of batteries per day. Rechargables save a lot of money - use it to get a recharger with indiviual supervision of cell position and full automatic control - it will extend your rechargables life. Use the highest capacity possible, at least 2000mAh. 2800mAh NiMH rechargeable batteries are readily available at discount stores.
Having timed this more than once, you can get 2 hours of video playback on 1700mAH. By comparison, standard batteries really don't cope very well. NiMH rechargables seem to be able to handle the need for a sustained current at a certain voltage. (firmware: 1.0.1/ second batch)
"don't cope very well" means disposable batteries will very often be ok if you're just scrolling through the menus. Launching anything (movie, game etc) may cause the device to crash. Turning it off, then on will not help, as the boot will freeze (similar to when batteries are low). Rechargables are definately recommended!
  • An SD card writer
    SanDisk Cruzer
In practice accessing the GP2X as a USB-storage device isn't really up to scratch, and it turns out that an SD card writer is pretty well desirable. Note that actual PC or laptop may have SD card reader/writer already installed. The Gp2x value pack also includes one.


According to the manual, this should be 3.3V DC with at least 1000mA capacity. The power supply connection requires a very small (2,35mm x 0,75mm) - inside and + outside.
Very useful for developers. This little gem will allow you to see the debug output from the GP2x during boot and normal useage. You can also CTRL-C to get a linux prompt. Users don't really need it.
Lets you view GP2x on your TV screen.
Lets you connect USB peripherals to your GP2x.
  • Commercial Cradle
Cased version of the developers breakout board. Provides TV-Out, 4 USB Ports, J-TAG and a Serial connection. Recommended power supply is 5V 2A centre-positive (click [1] for suitable power adapters).


  • A carry case - a generic Nintendo DS case should fit well.
Pay attention to the zipper location if you want to connect your headphones to the GP2X stored in the case.
  • Headphones
The headphone socket is slightly recessed, so not all headphone jacks will fit.
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