SquidgeSNES | |
Aurora theme for Squidge SNES. | |
Download | (archive) |
Developer | Squidge, Reesy, Pepone, notaz |
Version | v0.392 |
Webpage | Squidge's Site, currently under construction |
Status | Released and playable |
SquidgeSNES is a SNES emulator created by Squidge.
Contents |
- Choose a directory on your SD card and unpack the archive directly to it.
- Copy roms into the “roms” directory.
Note that the “skin” and “roms” directory must be present in the same directory as the executable (squidgesnes.gpe)
You can also put your ROMs in “roms\snes” then in the options have 'Use absolute rom dir' unchecked.
Command line usage
If you wish to use the emulator in the command line, you must use the following arguments:
- nrtm - /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu does not charge while leaving.
- loadrom=<Rom> - <Rom> loads automatically with launching.
Example: squidgesnes.gpe nrtm loadrom=roms/maRom.smc
Hacked Version By Reesy
See the GP32x Forum for more info.
"I've been hacking at Squidges snes emulator, mainly to try and sort out the sound. It took me bloody ages to work out that stereo rendering is broken in the source code. I've not found the exact problem yet, so I have just disabled stereo rendering which gives us a temporary fix.
While I was fixing the sound I also added zipped rom support and also added support for quad frame buffering while in 16bit mode, this is still very much WIP but it works pretty well for the most part. I've also added auto-frame skip, there is no way to current switch this off at the moment as I've not looked at Squidges menu in much detail so I have no idea how to add extra menu options.
I've released 2 versions of the emulator, 1 has squidges original settings and 1 has Yoyo's GP32 hack settings. Again once, when I get to grips with squidges menu system these hack settings will be configurable from the menu but for now you will just have to have to binaries."
To Do
- [improved in 0.38] Sprite priorities
- [done in 0.39] Rewrite sound outputing code
- [done in 0.39] Integrate the SPC700 asm core
- [done in 0.39] add another faster shortcut (L+R+Start) for menu
- [fixed in 0.39] The "Vol Min" or "Vol Max" text comes up in the middle of the screen out of nowhere and annoys people
- [fixed in 0.39] In some games the picture is not center
- [fixed in 0.39] Frameskip seems to be set at auto no matter what you choose.
- [fixed in 0.39] ROMs do not start from command line
- [fixed in 0.39] CPU speed would better be choosable in increments of 5
- Tecmo Super Bowl III: helmets when selecting a team are all red
- [?] Megaman 7: messy after the intro, the graphics become garbled [it's custom chip emulation broken?]
- Equinox: sprite layers slightly wrong. Your character sometimes appears in front of objects when he is really behind them.
- Mario Kart map screen: sprite priority problems
- Gradius 3 US: when you're trying to select a type for your ship, the other types are invisible instead of grayed out until you highlight them.
- Crono Trigger: sometimes after a fight, the sprites gets alot of random sprites around them
- Super Metroid 2nd level, after Cirrus Station: just keep going down the level and you'll eventually hit a section that is completely black
- [fixed in 0.39 but unplayably slow w/gfx corruptions] Yoshi's Island: needs SuperFX emulation, which is now broken
- Super mario RPG: needs SA-1 emulation, which is now broken
- Street Fighter Alpha 2: needs S-DD1 emulation, which is now broken
Upon startup, a menu will show. The following key sequences are recognized:
- A
- Menu escape - Goes back a menu, returns to game if one is playing or the OS
- B or control stick click
- Menu select - Chooses a menu item
- Up/Down on control stick
- Choose menu item
- Vol+/-
- Volume Control
- Use full screen scaling - Stretches the image of the screen of the SNES to all the screen of GP2x.
- Show FPS - Posts a meter of FPS (Images per seconds) in the top left of the screen.
- Enable vsync - Always waits until the screen is completely full before rafraichir it (reduction of the flickerings).
- FPS to limit - Limit the emulator not to exceed the number of FPS (Images by seondes posted) definite here.
- Frameskip - Number of jumps of the image. A large value indicates a fast emulation but deformed graphics. A low value allows a fluid but slower emulation.
- Audio processor enabled - Activates the emulation of the sound processor of the SNES. It can slow down the emulation thus high value it is not recommended.
- Audio processor transfers - Mutes the sounds generated by the processor of the SNES. Perfect if a game nessesary that the sound processor functions but that you do not want a sound.
- Use Rom absolute to dir - Uses the absolute way "/roms/snes" (where "roms" is located at the root of your SD card) in the place of the relative way "roms" (in the same directory as the executable).
- SNES-type action short props - Rocker enters the buttons A, B, X, Y. With = Y, B = A, X = B, Y = X (the standard lever SNES).
Always remember to save the settings after making adjustments. Settings are saved to the file “ssnes.cfg” in the same directory as the executable.
In-game usage
All keys are mapped directly to the GP2X-equivalent buttons, apart from the action buttons, which are mapped according to the preferences in the settings menu.
To exit back to the menu, hold the ’select’ button down for a few seconds until the menu shows.
A previous version of SquidgeSNES, 0.35 beta, will not play ROMs on some GP2Xes. In some cases this can be fixed by running CloneKeen2X, closing the application, and then try running SquidgeSNES again. It is not yet clear why the issue exists, but on the whole it appears to be fixed in later versions.
The menu system used in SquidgeSNES is fully skinnable, check out the “skin” directory in The Archive. The easiest things to change are the icons and the background, although you can change the rest as well. All files should be 24bpp BMP files.
Transparency layer Issue
Arguably, the single most debilitating issue with SquidgeSNES is the transparency layer issue. This is a problem where certain background layers (fog, etc) completely block out all other layers, making the game either unplayable or annoying to play.
The quick fix for this is to press down the entire volume control button on the gp2x, and look at the top right corner of the screen. Continue to hold the button down, and when the background numbers pop up, use the "A", "B", "X" and "Y" buttons to selectively disable or enable background layers.
The advantage is that same games become playable. The disadvantage is, particularly in RPG's, that critical game elements are disabled (like text boxes/bubbles). You can, however, switch between disable/enabling to see the missing elements.
Game Compatibility
Please use the new compatibility pages. The continued use of the lists on individual emulator pages will result in a temporary ban!
Thank you for your cooperation.
SquidgeSNES has a problem with the transparency layer, ignore documenting these issues if they are minor since any game that uses it will have the same issues.
Status Levels:
Status Level: | Description: |
Untested | Has not yet been tested. |
Works | Full speed, no noticeable problems. |
Mostly Works | Playable, but with noticeable glitches, or not playable because of speed, with no glitches. |
Barely Works | Glitches or speed make game unplayable, but it will boot. |
Doesn't Work | Will not boot, or crashes on boot. |
Game: | Status: | Version: | Comment: |
Arkanoid Doh It Again | Works | 0.35 beta | No noticable problems |
Battle Tycoon | Works | 0.34 | Somtimes freezes (1/20) when using save state. |
Bahamut Lagoon | Barely Works | 0.34 | Runs with sound, without the APU on it wont run; very slow (6-9fps) with some expected graphic problems. |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Another Story | Mostly Works | 0.37 | Slight graphical errors, sprite overlap, transition and transparancy errors. |
Blackthorne | Works | 0.37 | 58-60 fps @ 250Mhz |
Bomberman 2 | Works | 0.37a | Runs full speed with sound. Seems to be a minor problem where the roullette prizes are invisible, making it hard to know what you got. |
Chrono Trigger | Works | 0.396 | Runs with sound at full speed, FPS rates dip sometimes though. With the transparency fixed, there are no more problems. |
Breath of Fire | Works | 0.35 beta | Noisy audio, nearly full speed |
BS-The Legend Of Zelda-1 | Works | 0.35 beta | Works Great With Occasional Slowdown or Speedup make sure you are using a perfectly dumped and patched rom!(http://bszelda.zeldalegends.net/bszelda.shtml)
I Use The "The BS ZELDA" rom |
Crash Test Dummies | Mostly Works | 0.34 SR1 | Full speed with FS, sound a little glitchy |
Desert Strike | Works | 0.35 beta | Full speed with sound |
Do-Re-Mi Fantasy - Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken | Works | 0.37 | 47-54 fps @ 250Mhz |
Donkey Kong Country I | Mostly Works | 0.35 beta | 15fps on fs2, muffled sound, some graphics don't display correctly. Too slow to play |
Donkey Kong Country II | Mostly Works | 0.35 beta | Muffled sound, some graphics don't display correctly. Not perfect speed |
Donkey Kong Country III | Mostly Works | 0.35 beta | Muffled sound, some graphics don't display correctly. Not perfect speed |
Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Demension | Doesn't Work | 0.34 | Will not boot, or crashes on boot. |
Dual Orb 2 | Mostly Works | 0.37a | Everything, even sound, runs a tad slowly. The usual layering flaws make some parts (like the town of theives) hard to get through, but it's playable. |
E.V.O. Search for Eden | Mostly Works | 0.37a | Plays fine with sound at around 11-13 FPS, however you have to turn off the second BG to navigate the maps |
Earthbound | Works | 0.34 | Full Speed (occasional slowdowns though), occasional audio noise. Battles run choppily. |
Earthworm Jim 1 | Mostly Works | 0.34 | A tad slow |
Final Fantasy 2 | Works | 0.35 beta | No noticable problems |
Final Fantasy 4 (J) | Works | 0.34 | Playable. A few stereo issues and battles run at about half speed. |
Final Fantasy 5 | Works | 0.34 | playable with minor transp. issues. |
Final Fantasy 6 | Mostly Works | 0.37 | Playable at 255MHz with sound (FS 3-4), some graphic issues though |
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (V 1.0) | Doesn't Work | 0.37a | Title shows, then lags so much it won't accept commands. (Although the French and British versions work until after you input your name...) |
F-Zero | Mostly Works | 0.37 | Slow at 249MHz, seems slower without sound (by a factor of 2), shadows beneath cars flicker |
Harvest Moon | Works | 0.392 | Works fine on 240MHz. No noticable problems. |
Illusion of Gaia | Works | 0.34 | played through first town, fast without sound (Note: no text on naming screen), 1 FPS on map |
Kirby's Dream Course | Works | 0.35 beta | Full speed with sound at fs2 |
Kirby Superstar | Doesn't Work | 0.37 (MMU Hack) | Won't boot |
Legend of Zelda - Link to the Past | Mostly Works | 0.37 (MMU Hack) | 60 FPS @ 275Mhz, but sound problems. |
Lufia 1 | Works | 0.37a | Nearly perfect, decent FPS and sound. It hangs a bit when you enter battles, though, and the attack damage layer is placed behind the enemies. |
Lufia 2 | Works | 0.37a | European release works fairly well with perfect sound, although there is plenty of frameskipping. (Attack damage is still displayed behind the enemies, which can be annoying...) |
Mario no Super Picross | Works | 0.37a | Works perfectly fine at a good speed, however the sound is messed up, producing a high pitched sound, and some things overlap other things that they are not supposed to; however this does not hinder gameplay |
Megaman VII | Mostly Works | 0.34 | tranparency is broken, the FPS hover around 17 on FS3 totally playable |
Megaman X | Works | 0.39 | 255Mhz/11025Hz/Mono/Fs0: ~ 60fps (fullspeed=60) 200Mhz/11025Hz/Mono/Fs0: ~ 50-60fps 200Mhz/44100Hz/Mono/Fs0: ~ 46-60fps |
Megaman X2 | Mostly Works | 0.37 | Runs at or near 60 FPS most of the time (with sound!) with an ARM920T clock of 300 MHz. First boss is very slow, but otherwise quite fast emulation. |
Megaman X3 | Mostly Works | 0.34 | On some bosses the game slows down, otherwise no problems. Very fast. Runs at or near 60 FPS with an ARM920T clock of 300 MHz, with sound. |
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy | Works | 0.392 | Works fine on 200MHz. No noticable problems. |
Ogre Battle | Works | .34 | Not full speed everywhere, but pretty close. |
Pop 'N' Twinbee (E) | Mostly Works | 0.34 SR1 | 17-19FPS with FS2 and Sound off at 200mhz. |
R-Type 3 | Works | 0.37a | Full Speed with Sound. |
Radical Dreamers | Doesn't Work | 0.35 beta | Purple Screen with graphical glitches |
Secret of Evermore | Works | 0.396 | No niticable visual problems, sounds still play longer thaan they should. |
Secret of Mana | Mostly Works | 0.392 | Works fine with 240MHz, transparency and sprite-order problems |
Seiken Densetsu 3 | Mostly Works | 0.34 | According to ED, it runs with nice sound |
Shadowrun | Works | 0.34 | Full Speed |
Shin Megami Tensei | Mostly Works | 0.35 beta | Speed problems, sound has noise, graphics glitches (alpha) |
Shin Megami Tensei II | Mostly Works | 0.35 beta | Not quite full speed, sound has noise, snes9x/zsnes compatable srm not loaded. |
Sim City 2000 | Mostly Works | 0.396 | very well playbable at 250 MHz however sound stutters |
Soul Blazer | Mostly Works | 0.37a | Around full speed with good sound, however once you get to the second town, because of the messed up layers, the fog completely covers the screen. The only way to get around this is to mess with the background settings by holding the volume button down and pressing a, making the fog go away. However you're going to have to go back and forth with the background settings because once one of the layers is taken off, many things will be taken off with it which you'll need in order to get around |
Starfox | Barely Works | 0.39 | Star Fox goes at about 14FPS with 280Mhz and sound off. |
Star Ocean (Unofficial translation) | Doesn't Work | 0.392 | Hangs on startup. Shows some pixel mess and then black screen. |
Sunset riders | Works | 0.392 | Works fine on 240MHz. No noticable problems. |
Super Aleste | Doesn't Work | 0.39 | It just goes to a screen with the skin on each side but a wide black vertical band in the center where the game should be. There is a 3 pixel wide black bar at the top that just flickers on and off. |
Super Bomberman 1 | Mostly Works | 0.34 SR1 | Playable, but low framerate. |
Super Castlevania IV | Works | 0.37 MMU Hack | Playable (57FPS) with good sound @ 275Mhz |
Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts | Works | 0.39 | @255MHz, with 11025hz/mono it's fullspeed |
Super Mario All-Stars | Works | 0.35 beta | Works Flawlessley other than the sky is usually green.(Make sure you have a good dump!) |
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World | Works | 0.35 beta | Works Flawlessley other than the sky is usually green.(Make sure you have a good dump!) |
Super Mario Kart | Mostly Works | 0.392 | Plays perfectly, just like a real SNES. 25~30fps @ 250mhz (16~18fps @ 200mhz), transhack ON, frameskip AUTO, craig's ON, audio 11khz mono, audio performance hack ON. Racing emulation works smoother if you use "rear view", instead of "map view". |
Super Mario World | Works | 0.37 (MMU Hack) | Full Speed with sound (Tested @ 275Mhz) |
Super Mario RPG: LSS | Doesn't Work | 0.37 MMU Hack | Will not boot |
Super Metroid | Mostly Works | 0.37 | Runs slow at 249Mhz with sound, beam weapon sometimes doesn't show, upon entering area with fog the screen the fog layer appears at front, blocking all other layers |
Super R-Type | Works | 0.39 | 255Mhz/11025Hz/Mono/Fs0: ~ 45-50fps (fullspeed=50) |
Super Turrican 2 | Barely Works | 0.39 | 255Mhz/11025Hz/Mono/Fs0: ~ 11-23fps (fullspeed=60) 255Mhz/Without Sound/Fs0: ~ 21-27fps |
Tales of Phantasia | Doesn't Work | 0.392 | Hangs on startup. Shows some text and plays little noise then full freeze. |
Tetris & Dr. Mario | Works | 0.392 | Works fine on 240MHz. No noticable problems. |
Tetris Attack | Mostly works | 0.34 | Runs too slow to be a challenge. at 9 FPS with FS3 |
Terranigma | Mostly works | 0.35 beta | Goodish speed, noisy audio, graphics problems (No chars on the naming screen) |
The Lost Vikings | works | 0.392 | Runs fine on 240MHz. No noticable problems. |
The Lost Vikings 2 | works | 0.392 | Runs fine on 240MHz. No noticable problems. |
Tiny Toon Adventures | Mostly works | 0.35 beta | Not full speed |
Wizardry V | works | 0.34 | Functions well, not slow at all. |
Worms | works | 0.39 | Fullspeed with sound @ 200 MHz |
Yoshi's Island | Barely works | 0.39 | Runs, slow, unplayable due to graphical bugs |
Zelda 3 | Works | 0.34 SR1 | Full Speed with sound |
Zombies Ate My Neighbours | Mostly Works | 0.35 beta | Playable, low frame rate |