
From wiki.gp2x.org
In game screenshot
Download (archive)
Original Developer Original Project
Ported By Madelman
Version 0.1
Webpage [1]
Status Released and playable

Bubbletrain is a game similar to zuma. Sourcecode available here.


  1. Download the file and extract the contents to your SD card. Most games can be installed anywhere, but some games need their own directory and some have to be installed to the root of the SD card - check this first.
  2. Install the SDL libraries for GP2X if necessary - see the instructions if needed.
  3. Launch the game with the included gpe file.
  • Many games may require you to maintain the file structure within the archive - if the game seems to quit back to the menu as soon as you open it this is a common cause.


The cursor movement is really slow in the menu but it works correctly when in game. Mouse is controlled with stick and pressed with Start button. In game you can play with L and R buttons and shoot with X.


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