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The /dev/dualcpu character device is the official way of interacting with the 940t. It only provides video decoding functions. It is not a general purpose interface. At present it seems only MPEG4 decoding functions are provided, with provision for H263, MJPEG and MPEG2 decoding, as well as MPEG4 encoding.

Communication is achieved through a serials of ioctl calls to the device. Reading from the device gives it's status as a single byte.


The only current documentation is in the form of the source release from November, 2005.

The relevent files are:


You can view them in the cvs repository by going to

Call Sequence

This information is derived from the strace below.

open /dev/dualcpu as dualcpu
ioctl dualcpu IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT_BUF   times 6
while playing video:
    ioctl dualcpu IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN
    read status
    if status == 21:
        draw frame
    end if
end while


The following seems to be the call sequence that mplayer in firmware 1.1 makes to /dev/dualcpu

fd 13 is /dev/dualcpu
fd 14 is /dev/vpp - video post processor


open("/dev/dualcpu", O_RDWR) = 13
open("/dev/vpp", O_RDWR)                = 14
ioctl(14, 0x7630, 0)                    = 0     --- this one appears to be undocumented
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT, 0x157bf4) = 1
read(13, "\5", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT_BUF, 0x157c14) = 1
read(13, "\5", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT_BUF, 0x157c14) = 1
read(13, "\5", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT_BUF, 0x157c14) = 1
read(13, "\5", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT_BUF, 0x157c14) = 1
read(13, "\5", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT_BUF, 0x157c14) = 1
read(13, "\5", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_INIT_BUF, 0x157c14) = 1
read(13, "\5", 32)                      = 1      --- how does it know when to stop buffering ?

ioctl(14, OCTL_MMSP2_SET_FDC, 0x157c58)     = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SET_SC, 0x157ca0) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SET_YUVA, 0x157c74) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_YUVA_OFF, 0)            = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_YUVB_OFF, 0)               = 0

Video Decoding

ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20)                 = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\21", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32)          = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\21", 32)                     = 1
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_FDC, 0x15b308) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_SC, 0x2) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SC_BUSY, 0) = 0
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20)    = 1
read(13, "\2", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\21", 32) = 1
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_FDC, 0x15b308) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_SC, 0x2) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SC_BUSY, 0) = 0
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32)          = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20)                    = 1
read(13, "\21", 32)                     = 1
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_FDC, 0x15b308)                    = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_SC, 0x2)                         = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SC_BUSY, 0) = 0
ioctl(14, VIDIOCSYNC, 0)                           = 0
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32)                      = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20)                    = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\21", 32) = 1
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_FDC, 0x15b308) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_SC, 0x2)              = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SC_BUSY, 0)               = 0
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\21", 32) = 1
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_FDC, 0x15b308) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_SC, 0x2)              = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SC_BUSY, 0)               = 0
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\21", 32)                     = 1
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_FDC, 0x15b308) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_SC, 0x2)              = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SC_BUSY, 0)               = 0
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\21", 32)                     = 1
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_FDC, 0x15b308) = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_START_SC, 0x2)              = 0
ioctl(14, IOCTL_MMSP2_SC_BUSY, 0)               = 0
ioctl(13, IOCTL_DUALCPU_MP4D_RUN, 0x157c20) = 1
read(13, "\2", 32) = 1
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