Whacky Penguin

From wiki.gp2x.org
Whacky Penguin
Opening Screen
Download Competition Edition
Developer SJP
Version Competition Edition
Webpage Dev's Site
Status Complete

The competition release of Whacky Penguin. Now with particle effects, sound, in-game music and high-score capabilities. Compatible with firmware 1.4.

Full source code is available on the Whacky Penguin homepage.

Compiled with hardware accellerated SDL. Tested on GP2x with firmware 1.4


  1. Empty the archive and dump the folder that you get ("Whack") onto your SD card/NAND.
  2. Boot the GP2, select Games and then browse to the folder Whack and click on the penguin.


  1. Edit the file /media/penga.png and pop in your (least) favourite person and have your very own stress relief toy on the move.
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