From wiki.gp2x.org

There is an EEPROM of some description on the I2C bus at (i2c) address 0x0050

Some of it's contents are as follows:

at 0x0000 there are 32 hexadecimal ASCII characters, eg. an md5sum or similar. eg. A92803393C5E7ACA2EDDCF2747233F26 (faked)

at 0x0020 there are 24 ascii characters that represent the string shown on the 'Info' screen. eg. 20051114GP2XV10100000051 (real)

at 0x0048 the LCD setting is stored as a single byte, from 0x00 to 0x0D (ie. 0->13) representing the 1-14 range on the LCD settings screen.

See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I2C

How to read the serial number

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>

#define EEPROM_ADDR 0x0050

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data data;
    struct i2c_msg msg;
    int i;
    char buffer[25];

    // open the i2c device
    int fd = open("/dev/i2c-0", O_RDWR);

    data.msgs  = &msg;
    data.nmsgs = 1;

    msg.addr  = EEPROM_ADDR;
    msg.flags = 0; // for write
    msg.len = 2;
    msg.buf = "\0\40"; // == 32 in octal

    // set the address to 0x0020
    ioctl(fd, I2C_RDWR, &data);

    // now read 1 byte at a time
    msg.flags = 1; // for read
    msg.len   = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        msg.buf = buffer + i;
        ioctl(fd, I2C_RDWR, &data);
    buffer[i] = '\0';

    // all done

    printf("got serial number: %s\n", buffer);

    return 0;
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