Fast 32-bit to 16-bit framebuffer blit
Sometimes you have an application you are porting that was designed entirely for 32bpp framebuffers. Ideally, you'd covert it to 16bpp for the GP2X, but sometimes that would be very difficult. If you are looking for a modest speedup on full-screen 32-bit to 16-bit blits, I have taken some code from forum member A_SN and re-written it for this purpose (unrolling the loop for 8-byte iterations, use of all registers together with STMs, and having it assume the proper byte order for most apps). It was written for use in UQM2X by Senor Quack (Dan Silsby).
Here are some benchmarks to prove mine is faster than straight Paeryn SDL: (SDL_BlitSurface between two 320x240 SWSURFACEs, 32bpp source and 16bpp destination)
PAERYN 16MB STOCK SDL 1.2.9: ---------------------------- [root@gp2x benchmark]$./benchmark.gpe Waiting 5 seconds to begin test... SDL test: 76694697 usec (10,000 calls) AVG ms/CALL: 7.669 SENOR QUACK'S FB_WRITE: ----------------------- Beginning Senor Quack test: (waiting 2 seconds..) Senor Quack's fb_write: 73051858 usec (10,000 calls) AVG ms/CALL: 7.305
That is a 4.75% improvement in speed. Modest, indeed, but it helped make the difference for me. If your program did nothing but blit a 32bpp surface to the GP2X framebuffer over and over, you'd get 130.4 fps with Paeryn 1.2.9 SDL. With my fb_write function you would get 136.9 fps. This helped sections of my game that were stuttery at 200mhz.
@ C prototype : extern void fb_write(uint64_t *screen, uint32_t *fb); @ Credits to A_SN from for the original code.. Heavily modified by me to be faster and in the right order for my app. @ DKS - I have added this to UQM for a blitting speed-up. @ (all uqm code uses 32-bit surfaces, but GP2X is 16-bit. this is faster than SDL's 32-to-16bit generic blitter) @ @ This code now reads in 8 32-bit pixels each loop and shoots out 4 words representing 8 16-bit pixels @ to the pixel array represented by the second parameter @ It assumes byte order of XRGB0888 for 32-bit array, RGB565 for 16-bit array and also assumes entire 320x240 screen is copied. @ It copies from end to beginning. .text .align .global fb_write fb_write: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 stmfd sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr} @store registers ldr lr, .L245 @lr = 307199 original array start adress (local) ldr ip, .L245+4 @ip = 9599 init of the counter add lr, r0, lr @lr += r0 calculation of the full adress ldr r0, .L245+8 @calculate base address of dest. pixels (start from end) add r0, r0, r1 @calculate base address of dest. pixels (start from end), r0 is now address to write to mov r1, #248 @F8 (for masking off 32-bit red and blue) mov r2, #252 @FC (for masking off 32-bit green) .L240: ldmda lr!, {r5-r8} @load 4 32-bit pixels and r3, r8, r1, asl #16 @r3 = r8 & (0xF8<<16) r3 = MSW & 0x00F80000 = 0x00100000 //MSW red and r4, r8, r2, asl #8 @r4 = r8 & (0xFC<<8) r4 = MSW & 0x0000FC00 = 0x00003000 //MSW green mov r11, r3, lsl #8 @r11 = r3 << 8 //red orr r11, r11, r4, lsl #11 @r11 = r11 | (r4 << 11) //green and r3, r8, r1 @r3 = r8 & 0xF8 r3 = MSW & 0x000000F8 = 0x000000F8 //MSW blue orr r11, r11, r3, lsl #13 @r11 = r11 | (r3 << 13) //blue @ OK, r11 contains converted r8 color in 0xFFFF0000 now and r3, r7, r1, asl #16 @r3 = r7 & (0xF8<<16) r3 = LSW & 0x00F80000 = 0x00880000 //LSW red orr r11, r11, r3, lsr #8 @r11 = r11 | (r3 >> 8) and r3, r7, r2, asl #8 @r3 = r7 & (0xFC<<8) r3 = LSW & 0x0000FC00 = 0x0000F800 //LSW green orr r11, r11, r3, lsr #5 @r11 = r11 | (r3>>5) r11 = r11 | r3 = 0xF9820011 | 0x000007C0 = 0xF98207D1 and r7, r7, r1 @r7 = r7 & 0x000000F8 r7 = LSW & 0x000000F8 = 0x00000088 //LSW blue orr r11, r11, r7, lsr #3 @r11 = r11 | (r7 >> 3) @ OK, r11 contains both converted R8 and R7 colors: R8 in 0xFFFF0000 and R7 in 0x0000FFFF and r3, r6, r1, asl #16 and r4, r6, r2, asl #8 mov r10, r3, lsl #8 orr r10, r10, r4, lsl #11 and r3, r6, r1 orr r10, r10, r3, lsl #13 @ OK, r10 contains converted R6 color in 0xFFFF0000 now and r3, r5, r1, asl #16 orr r10, r10, r3, lsr #8 and r3, r5, r2, asl #8 orr r10, r10, r3, lsr #5 and r5, r5, r1 orr r10, r10, r5, lsr #3 @ OK, r10 contains both converted R6 and R5 colors: R6 in 0xFFFF0000 and R5 in 0x0000FFFF ldmda lr!, {r5-r8} @load 4 more 32-bit pixels and r3, r8, r1, asl #16 and r4, r8, r2, asl #8 mov r9, r3, lsl #8 orr r9, r9, r4, lsl #11 and r3, r8, r1 orr r9, r9, r3, lsl #13 @ OK, r9 contains converted r8 color in 0xFFFF0000 now and r3, r7, r1, asl #16 orr r9, r9, r3, lsr #8 and r3, r7, r2, asl #8 orr r9, r9, r3, lsr #5 and r7, r7, r1 orr r9, r9, r7, lsr #3 @ OK, r9 contains both converted R8 and R7 colors: R8 in 0xFFFF0000 and R7 in 0x0000FFFF and r3, r6, r1, asl #16 and r4, r6, r2, asl #8 mov r8, r3, lsl #8 orr r8, r8, r4, lsl #11 and r3, r6, r1 orr r8, r8, r3, lsl #13 @ OK, r9 contains converted R6 color in 0xFFFF0000 now and r3, r5, r1, asl #16 orr r8, r8, r3, lsr #8 and r3, r5, r2, asl #8 orr r8, r8, r3, lsr #5 and r5, r5, r1 orr r8, r8, r5, lsr #3 @ OK, r8 contains both converted R6 and R5 colors: R6 in 0xFFFF0000 and R5 in 0x0000FFFF @ Now, r11, r10, r9, and r8 contain our 8 converted pixels (in 16-bit format) stmda r0!, {r8, r9, r10, r11} subs ip, ip, #1 @ip-- decrementation of ip counter bge .L240 @if (ip!=0) go back to .L240 loop condition ldmfd sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, pc} @restore registers .L246: .align 2 .L245: .word 307199 .word 9599 @ total loops .word 153599 .size fb_write, .-fb_write .section .rodata.str1.4 .align 2 .end